The 2018 Exec is doing an amazing job

The Executive Committee (known as the Exec) of the St Margaret's College Residents Association fulfills a hugely important role in the social, cultural and sporting life of the College, all of which contribute to making the College a vibrant community. And his year's Exec is setting a very high standard in this regard.

The Exec arrange orientation week activities, the annual ball, sports events, cultural events, Sunday dinner music performances, theme dinners, floor competitions, the canteen, etc They are also responsible for the maintenance of equipment purchased by the Residents Association, e.g. the pool table, table tennis table, TV room equipment, and sporting and games equipment.

The Executive Committee for 2018 comprises the following Members:

  • President: Brittany Muiznieks
  • Vice-President: Souhei Chan
  • Secretary: Katie Cooper
  • Treasurer: Wanli Cheng
  • Social Representative: Josephine Loo
  • Sports Representative: Christian Edwin
  • Arts Representative: Ellen Walters
  • Cultural Representative: Loamé Van Zyl
  • Food Representative: Seonwoo Nam

The Exec has been wonderfully energetic, active, pro-active and organised, and have arranged a large number of activities since the start of the year which have been enjoyed by all Members. 

The College is very appreciative of their fantastic efforts so far, all of which have contributed significantly towards ensuring that Members settled in so well this year.

(Story by the Master, Dr Charles Tustin)

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Posted: Tuesday March 27, 2018